Well, now I'm working part time, it's harder to fit the flying in. And the unsettled weather means that there will be days (like today) when I'm booked to fly but the 'cumulo says no'. This, coupled with the fact that my little boy was up for half the night with a cough and I can barely say my own name, never mind fly a plane, means that the lesson is postponed :(
Never mind...in other news, The London to Brighton Bike Ride is on Sunday. My friend and I are travelling down to Brighton on Saturday and getting up at 4am (YES! 4AM!!!) to catch a bus with our bikes up to Clapham...and then cycle all the way back. I suspect I may need some recovery time after that. Here's what I'll be wearing:
I need to find some way of affixing the pilot's cap to my bike helmet in a way which doesn't make me look like an eejit. Any suggestions?
Ok, wish us luck. Next blog update will be after the ride. I will be typing standing up.
I love the costume! I hope it goes really well and I'm amazed and inspired by what you're doing :)