Thursday, 15 September 2011

Still Alive!

Hello!  Haven't been here for a while.  The summer holidays were a mish mash of blowy weather and children, so not much flying to be done.  However, have been up twice this week (and my instructor's already regretting it).  See, trouble is, I'm now at the stage where my instructor's not saying anything and so a) I'm having to concentrate really, really hard until my brains start seeping out of my ears, and b) I'm making mistakes. 

I made quite a big one today.  A nice, hard, flat landing on the main runway at Staverton.  When you do something like that, you imagine that Air Traffic Control are all pointing and laughing at you.  Well, come on, wouldn't you?  There's the female driver, can't get her stick back (they'll be saying).  However, I'm taking heart in the fact that I did three nice landings at a beautiful strip near the Malverns (gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous) and some stall recovery practice.  And I didn't injure myself OR anyone else AND the plane is still intact.  (Although I did draw on the wing by mistake.  Not sure how I did this but will no doubt be given an airport equivalent of an ASBO for graffiti-ing at some point down the line.

I leave you with this little pic of my boys, nose to nose with a Gloster Javelin. 

School run beckons!

B xx